奧勒崗州 默特諾瑪瀑布 - 探索哥倫比亞河峽谷最壯麗的瀑布
哥倫比亞河峽谷位於美國太平洋西北區哥倫比亞河的一個峽谷, 是美國西北方重要的河流, 北岸是華盛頓州及南岸是奧勒崗州, 公路上經過的瀑布非常多, 默特諾瑪是最著名的瀑布, 不僅是奧勒崗州最大的瀑布, 同時也被列為美國全年高度為第二的瀑布, 整個瀑布的落差為620英尺.
哥倫比亞河峽谷位於州際公路84號, 是一條雄偉瑰麗的絕美山道, 氣勢磅礴的雋美瀑布為公路帶來極具張力的視覺震撼! 自己規劃旅遊計劃書 - 洛衫磯/西雅圖/波特蘭
Multnomah Falls is a waterfall on the Oregon of Columbia River Gorge, it is the second highest year-round waterfall in the United States, all 620 feet (189 m) of it, stands above the rest as Oregon’s tallest waterfall. Located just 30 miles (48 km) east of downtown Portland along the Historic Columbia River Highway. The highest volume comes in winter and spring, and the waterfall sometimes freezes partially at the height of winter.
Multnomah Falls is the most visited and popular attraction of Portland, it’s really worth to go once upon in lifetime.
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