馬德里皇宮 Palacio Real - 華麗氣氛輝煌過往 自己規劃旅遊計劃書 - 西班牙.熱情洋溢的文化與藝術饗宴的體驗
馬德里皇宮是座結合巴洛克式和新古典主義風格的宮殿, 是西班牙皇室鼎盛時期的代表性建築, 也是西班牙國王的正式駐地. 皇宮一直都是歷代國王執政與居住的地方, 內部設計十分精緻, 宮內共有2800間廳房, 部分對外開放參觀. 2004年菲利浦王儲的婚禮也是在這裡舉行.
華麗白色外觀的馬德里皇宮, 位於馬德里市中心西部的Bailén街, 正門面對南側的兵器廣場 (Plaza de la Armería), 相對於王宮代表的世俗政治權力, 廣場的另一邊是代表教會信仰權威的是阿穆德納聖母主教座堂. 距離王宮最近的地鐵站是歌劇院站 (Estación de Ópera), 往來交通十分便利.
馬德里皇宮傳承了西班牙皇家的榮華, 仿佛也訴說著皇室輝煌的過往!
Make your travel plan - Spain . Madrid vs Barcelona
Palacio Real is Madrid's largest building and most beautiful palace, it is the official residence of the Spanish Royal Family, but is only used for state ceremonies.
The palace contains furniture, paintings and ceramics as well as other important works of art by Tiépolo. Velázquez, Goya and Giordano are all represented here amongst the dozens of valuable tapestries and paintings, making the palace one of Europe's most important museums.
Palacio Real located on Bailén street, and the nearest Metro station is Opera, the transportation is very easy. The gorgeous palace standing in the city of Madrid, seems like telling us the magnificent royal history, worth to visit it definitely.
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