巴賽隆納 - 貝爾港 Port Vell

貝爾港是巴賽隆納最著名的海岸線, 海的另一出口便是地中海, 是歐洲人最愛的度假勝地, 就是因它有溫和的天候和美麗的港灣, 方便遊艇停靠, 所以是巴塞隆納得天獨厚的資產. 整齊排列的上千艘帆船與汽艇, 搭配漂流在水面上的趣味浮標, 海天連成一線的遼闊, 片片陽光灑下來的汽艇碼頭, 沿著木橋的底端漫步, 可通往一座結合商品, 餐廳, 電影院及全歐洲最大的水族館的購物中心, 這片地中海旁的休閒海港, 可洗滌心靈, 讓人心曠神怡, 忘卻煩惱. 來這裡走走吧!!

貝爾港位於巴賽隆納南端, 交通十分便利, 可搭乘地鐵3號線在Drassanes站下車, 步行約3分鐘可到達, 或是從加泰隆尼亞廣場步行經過蘭布拉大道一路往海岸線的方向行走也可到達貝爾港, 約需30-45分鐘, 一邊倘佯在巴賽隆納湛藍悠閒的天空下漫步, 一邊賞欣有歐洲最美麗街道之一的蘭布拉大道的容, 來到巴賽隆納一定不可錯過貝爾港 ..... 自己規劃旅遊計劃書 - 西班牙.熱情洋溢的文化與藝術饗宴的體驗


Port Vell is a waterfront harbor in Barcelona, Spain, and part of the Port of Barcelona, it is a focal point of the city and tourist attraction, you can enjoy shopping at Maremàgnum which is the big shopping mall, the Europe’s largest aquarium is right behind the shopping mall, you can have lots of fund at the pedestrian walkway, it has swing bridge in order to allow ships to enter and exit the harbor.

Port Vell located at the south of Barcelona, it can be reached via metro #3 at Drassanes, just 3 minutes walks from the metro, or, you can take a walk from Plaza de Catalonia through Rambla Ave, it’ll takes 30 – 45 minutes, not only enjoy the sunshine of Barcelona blue sky, but also having splendid joyful of the Europe’s most beautiful street Rambla, worth to visit here! 

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